. . .And Its Not Good!
From the Three Village Times
Will the Courtesy Close by Election Day?
From the Malverne/West Hempstead Herald
Sex Offender Living In Hotel
From Newsday
Effort to shutter Courtesy renews
From the Malverne/West Hempstead Herald
Curtains for the Courtesy?
And OLD NEWS (September, 2005) from the Three Village Times
Town Still Trying to Close Down Courtesy
STILL trying to close down the Courtesy? Hmmm. . .
How about, TRY HARDER!
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Keep sending those e-mails to Town Supervisor Kate Murray. Tell her you want the Courtesy closed NOW! KateMurray@tohmail.org
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Four Easy Steps To Close The Courtesy
Residents to Town: "Take The First Step..."
Closing the Courtesy Hotel is as easy as 1-2-3. Okay. Its actually 1-2-3-4.
Truth is, the Town of Hempstead has the power to padlock the Courtesy, and all the Supervisor and Town Board have to do is take four small steps. . .
STEP 1: Two predicate Felony arrests within 12 consecutive months. [We have that and more!]
STEP 2: Town Attorney puts owner of Courtesy on written notice of its violations of the Nuisance Law.
STEP 3: Town Board schedules and holds a public hearing, upon due notice, to determine whether, in fact, the Courtesy is in violation of the Nuisance Law, and so finding, fashions a remedy – to wit, invoking the padlock provision.
STEP 4: Town of Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray, acting under color of the Nuisance Law and the authority of the Town Board, padlocks the Courtesy.
Then, watch the sales price plummet, and the wrecking ball fly!
- - -
Closing the Courtesy Hotel is as easy as 1-2-3. Okay. Its actually 1-2-3-4.
Truth is, the Town of Hempstead has the power to padlock the Courtesy, and all the Supervisor and Town Board have to do is take four small steps. . .
STEP 1: Two predicate Felony arrests within 12 consecutive months. [We have that and more!]
STEP 2: Town Attorney puts owner of Courtesy on written notice of its violations of the Nuisance Law.
STEP 3: Town Board schedules and holds a public hearing, upon due notice, to determine whether, in fact, the Courtesy is in violation of the Nuisance Law, and so finding, fashions a remedy – to wit, invoking the padlock provision.
STEP 4: Town of Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray, acting under color of the Nuisance Law and the authority of the Town Board, padlocks the Courtesy.
Then, watch the sales price plummet, and the wrecking ball fly!
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Friday, March 16, 2007
What's Old Is New Again???
How Quickly We Are Asked To Forget, As History At The Courtesy Repeats Itself -- Again, Again, And Again!
Where is former Town Councilman Joe Kearney when we need more foot-in-mouth rhetoric from the Town of Hempstead?
How fortunate for Town Supervisor Kate Murray that we peons in the hither regions of the Town have such short memories!
Call it GROUNDHOG DAY in the Town of Hempstead. Yeah.
From the September 15, 2000 edition of the Three Village Times (emphasis added):
Banks: Courtesy Hotel Not Courteous
Town Councilman Says West Hempstead Hotel Is Blight on Community
By Joe Rizza
Citing the violation of the Town of Hemsptead Public Nuisance Law, which went into effect last month, Councilman N. Scott Banks publicly spoke out against the Courtesy Hotel, located on Hempstead Avenue in West Hempstead. Banks urged the town to take action against the hotel, which he said is the source of numerous criminal activities, and has become a detriment to the surrounding areas.
Banks, who was elected to the town board this past November, said he had been concerned about the hotel since 1995. "From the start of getting involved in this government, I decided we're going to do something about this because this particular facility is bringing our community down. It affects our quality of life that we have in West Hemsptead," Banks said at a press conference he called on Thursday, Sept. 7 in the hotel's parking lot.
Banks also said the presence of the Courtesy Hotel is preventing the surrounding area from being developed. "What has happened here through neglect, be it of the town ignoring the wishes and needs of the community, nothing has gotten done," he said.
In January, Banks submitted a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request for the purposes of inquiring about possible criminal activity having occurred at the Courtesy. Banks said he learned that from 1997 through early 1999, there were 40 incidents involving the police either at the hotel or in its vicinity. Among some of the crimes committed, according to Banks, include drug dealing, prostitution and violent sexual assaults.
The issue of the Courtesy Hotel may have sparked a political battle between Banks and Town Councilman Joe Kearney since both are running against each other in the second councilmatic district in the upcoming election.
Banks, a Democrat, said he proposed a nuisance law to the town back in June, which was modeled after the Town of Babylon's public nuisance law, to guard against facilities that threaten the health and welfare of a community and bring that community down. Kearney said a public nuisance law was drafted at the request of Town of Hempstead Supervisor Richard Guardino, Councilman Anthony Santino and himself - all Republicans.
Banks said he found Guardino's public nuisance law to be too difficult to understand and too draconian. When it came time to vote on Guardino's proposed public nuisance law, Banks abstained, although, he said, he is in favor of having a strong law.
Despite Banks' abstention, the law was passed on August 8 and went into effect on August 17. Although the law wasn't written the way Banks would have liked, he is still urging the board to use it in the case of the Courtesy Hotel. "Since we have a public nuisance law in effect, let's use it," he said. "Let's use it right now to give the people of the Courtesy Hotel notice that they are violating our rights in the Town of Hempstead. I am sick and tired of standing around, walking past this facility and watching drug dealers on the corners. I'm sick and tired of hearing and speaking to police officers telling me they made prostitution and drug arrests."
Kearney believes it was his lead as well as that of Guardino and Santino that got the law passed.
"I'm happy that Mr. Banks has decided to get on board and follow my lead," he said, adding that he disagrees with Banks holding a press conference concerning the Courtesy Hotel. "What we did after the law became effective is what we should have done, without hoopla."
On August 18, the day after the law went into effect, Guardino and Kearney directed the town's attorney, Joe Ra, to contact the police and let them know the law had gone into effect and to look into predicate offenses, Kearney said. "The law was being enforced with respect to the Courtesy Hotel quietly, efficiently, and effectively without the need of a press conference the day after it became effective," he added.
Banks, however, has a different view of the situation. The town, he said, has done nothing about the problem. "This has been going on for years. No political leader or representative from anywhere has done anything about this facility. They just ignored it," he said. "Enough is enough. This community is getting killed by this place. I think this is the number one issue in West Hempstead right now."
Kearney said he and Guardino know of the problems at the Courtesy Hotel and they have been working with police. In fact, Kearney said the owner of the hotel has been cooperative. "He's not looking to avoid responsibility," he added.
Under the law, Kearney said, there have to be two arrests at a location from the effective date of the law. "On August 18, we asked the police to monitor the situation and to let us know if and when the two arrests occur. They are looking into that now and we hope to hear as soon as they have the information," said Kearney last week, adding that police have not notified the town as to whether the Courtesy Hotel is in violation of the public nuisance law.
Once it is determined that the public nuisance law has been violated, the town can take action. The town then can schedule a hearing for the town board to hear evidence and testimony and then consider, by vote, whether or not there is a public nuisance at a particular location. If there is an affirmative determination by the town board, the town can order the shut down of the facility, although there can be an appeal process. Another course of action for the town is to move directly into court, seeking an injunction and asking that the facility be shut down. Representatives would then prosecute the case in court under the law.
Banks said he is demanding that the Town of Hemsptead take immediate action against the Courtesy Hotel since, the hotel, he said is in violation of the town's public nuisance law.
According to Banks, an arrest made at the hotel would require the town to give notice to the facility that it is in violation. A second arrest made within the period of a year gives the town the option of holding a hearing to take action against the hotel, whether it is shutting it down, fining it or taking other types of action so as instituting conditions of operation. "If we can't close it down, we could make them clean up their act too so we have to work in any direction we can," he said.
Banks, a resident of West Hempstead, also stated he would like the town to make an effort to close down the Courtesy Hotel. However, according to Inspector William McHale of Nassau Police's Fifth Squad, the Courtesy Hotel is not yet in violation of the Town of Hempstead's public nuisance law.
The way the law is written, there have to be two arrests at a location; they have to be arrests for incidents that occurred within the actual building and they have to be for certain offenses, said McHale.
"As it stands at this moment, the Nassau County Police Department has not charged or arrested any individual in the building for any offenses [contained within the law since it took effect]," said McHale on Tuesday. "That's not to say that there have not been arrests in or about the building for various things. There have been several arrests in the building for certain things but none of which come under the categories."
Those categories in which arrests can cause a violation of the public nuisance law include prostitution offenses, controlled substances offenses, alcohol and beverage control law violations and unlawfully dealing with a child. "It has to be offenses in the law and it has to be in the building," said McHale, adding that there have been arrests for involving at least two of the offenses including possession of drugs and prostitution but those incidents occurred in the street.
"Those types of offenses are much more difficult to make arrests for [in the building] than those same types of offenses in the street."
The police inspector said the fifth squad wants to cooperate with the town the best it can and help the town deal with issues it views as important. McHale also said arrests that would violate the public nuisance law are public information. The town's attorney, he said, has been checking to see if there have, in fact, been arrests that would violate the law.
- - -
The Deputy Commander of the Fifth Precinct confirmed at the February 28th meeting of the West Hempstead Civic Association that there were a multitude of Felony arrests inside the Courtesy Hotel in 2006, certainly enough upon which to institute action under the Town's Nuisance Law.
How many Felonies -- rapes, assaults, drug and weapon possessions, prostitution, endangerment of the welfare of children -- have there been at the Courtesy since September of 2000?
Enough to have shuttered the doors to the hotel ten times over!
Where is former Town Councilman Joe Kearney when we need more foot-in-mouth rhetoric from the Town of Hempstead?
How fortunate for Town Supervisor Kate Murray that we peons in the hither regions of the Town have such short memories!
Call it GROUNDHOG DAY in the Town of Hempstead. Yeah.
From the September 15, 2000 edition of the Three Village Times (emphasis added):
Banks: Courtesy Hotel Not Courteous
Town Councilman Says West Hempstead Hotel Is Blight on Community
By Joe Rizza
Citing the violation of the Town of Hemsptead Public Nuisance Law, which went into effect last month, Councilman N. Scott Banks publicly spoke out against the Courtesy Hotel, located on Hempstead Avenue in West Hempstead. Banks urged the town to take action against the hotel, which he said is the source of numerous criminal activities, and has become a detriment to the surrounding areas.
Banks, who was elected to the town board this past November, said he had been concerned about the hotel since 1995. "From the start of getting involved in this government, I decided we're going to do something about this because this particular facility is bringing our community down. It affects our quality of life that we have in West Hemsptead," Banks said at a press conference he called on Thursday, Sept. 7 in the hotel's parking lot.
Banks also said the presence of the Courtesy Hotel is preventing the surrounding area from being developed. "What has happened here through neglect, be it of the town ignoring the wishes and needs of the community, nothing has gotten done," he said.
In January, Banks submitted a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request for the purposes of inquiring about possible criminal activity having occurred at the Courtesy. Banks said he learned that from 1997 through early 1999, there were 40 incidents involving the police either at the hotel or in its vicinity. Among some of the crimes committed, according to Banks, include drug dealing, prostitution and violent sexual assaults.
The issue of the Courtesy Hotel may have sparked a political battle between Banks and Town Councilman Joe Kearney since both are running against each other in the second councilmatic district in the upcoming election.
Banks, a Democrat, said he proposed a nuisance law to the town back in June, which was modeled after the Town of Babylon's public nuisance law, to guard against facilities that threaten the health and welfare of a community and bring that community down. Kearney said a public nuisance law was drafted at the request of Town of Hempstead Supervisor Richard Guardino, Councilman Anthony Santino and himself - all Republicans.
Banks said he found Guardino's public nuisance law to be too difficult to understand and too draconian. When it came time to vote on Guardino's proposed public nuisance law, Banks abstained, although, he said, he is in favor of having a strong law.
Despite Banks' abstention, the law was passed on August 8 and went into effect on August 17. Although the law wasn't written the way Banks would have liked, he is still urging the board to use it in the case of the Courtesy Hotel. "Since we have a public nuisance law in effect, let's use it," he said. "Let's use it right now to give the people of the Courtesy Hotel notice that they are violating our rights in the Town of Hempstead. I am sick and tired of standing around, walking past this facility and watching drug dealers on the corners. I'm sick and tired of hearing and speaking to police officers telling me they made prostitution and drug arrests."
Kearney believes it was his lead as well as that of Guardino and Santino that got the law passed.
"I'm happy that Mr. Banks has decided to get on board and follow my lead," he said, adding that he disagrees with Banks holding a press conference concerning the Courtesy Hotel. "What we did after the law became effective is what we should have done, without hoopla."
On August 18, the day after the law went into effect, Guardino and Kearney directed the town's attorney, Joe Ra, to contact the police and let them know the law had gone into effect and to look into predicate offenses, Kearney said. "The law was being enforced with respect to the Courtesy Hotel quietly, efficiently, and effectively without the need of a press conference the day after it became effective," he added.
Banks, however, has a different view of the situation. The town, he said, has done nothing about the problem. "This has been going on for years. No political leader or representative from anywhere has done anything about this facility. They just ignored it," he said. "Enough is enough. This community is getting killed by this place. I think this is the number one issue in West Hempstead right now."
Kearney said he and Guardino know of the problems at the Courtesy Hotel and they have been working with police. In fact, Kearney said the owner of the hotel has been cooperative. "He's not looking to avoid responsibility," he added.
Under the law, Kearney said, there have to be two arrests at a location from the effective date of the law. "On August 18, we asked the police to monitor the situation and to let us know if and when the two arrests occur. They are looking into that now and we hope to hear as soon as they have the information," said Kearney last week, adding that police have not notified the town as to whether the Courtesy Hotel is in violation of the public nuisance law.
Once it is determined that the public nuisance law has been violated, the town can take action. The town then can schedule a hearing for the town board to hear evidence and testimony and then consider, by vote, whether or not there is a public nuisance at a particular location. If there is an affirmative determination by the town board, the town can order the shut down of the facility, although there can be an appeal process. Another course of action for the town is to move directly into court, seeking an injunction and asking that the facility be shut down. Representatives would then prosecute the case in court under the law.
Banks said he is demanding that the Town of Hemsptead take immediate action against the Courtesy Hotel since, the hotel, he said is in violation of the town's public nuisance law.
According to Banks, an arrest made at the hotel would require the town to give notice to the facility that it is in violation. A second arrest made within the period of a year gives the town the option of holding a hearing to take action against the hotel, whether it is shutting it down, fining it or taking other types of action so as instituting conditions of operation. "If we can't close it down, we could make them clean up their act too so we have to work in any direction we can," he said.
Banks, a resident of West Hempstead, also stated he would like the town to make an effort to close down the Courtesy Hotel. However, according to Inspector William McHale of Nassau Police's Fifth Squad, the Courtesy Hotel is not yet in violation of the Town of Hempstead's public nuisance law.
The way the law is written, there have to be two arrests at a location; they have to be arrests for incidents that occurred within the actual building and they have to be for certain offenses, said McHale.
"As it stands at this moment, the Nassau County Police Department has not charged or arrested any individual in the building for any offenses [contained within the law since it took effect]," said McHale on Tuesday. "That's not to say that there have not been arrests in or about the building for various things. There have been several arrests in the building for certain things but none of which come under the categories."
Those categories in which arrests can cause a violation of the public nuisance law include prostitution offenses, controlled substances offenses, alcohol and beverage control law violations and unlawfully dealing with a child. "It has to be offenses in the law and it has to be in the building," said McHale, adding that there have been arrests for involving at least two of the offenses including possession of drugs and prostitution but those incidents occurred in the street.
"Those types of offenses are much more difficult to make arrests for [in the building] than those same types of offenses in the street."
The police inspector said the fifth squad wants to cooperate with the town the best it can and help the town deal with issues it views as important. McHale also said arrests that would violate the public nuisance law are public information. The town's attorney, he said, has been checking to see if there have, in fact, been arrests that would violate the law.
- - -
The Deputy Commander of the Fifth Precinct confirmed at the February 28th meeting of the West Hempstead Civic Association that there were a multitude of Felony arrests inside the Courtesy Hotel in 2006, certainly enough upon which to institute action under the Town's Nuisance Law.
How many Felonies -- rapes, assaults, drug and weapon possessions, prostitution, endangerment of the welfare of children -- have there been at the Courtesy since September of 2000?
Enough to have shuttered the doors to the hotel ten times over!
Can Anybody Say "PADLOCK?"
Town Nuisance Law Merely A Nuisance To Town of Hempstead
Why Won't Supervisor Kate Murray Padlock The Courtesy?
You really have to wonder.
First Kate Murray is against condemnation. Then she's for it. But the Town STILL has not commenced a Condemnation Proceeding to close the Courtesy Hotel.
Then Kate Murray is against invoking the padlock provision of the Town's Nuisance Law. Now she's looking at the "option" of renewing a failed civil suit brought under the Nuisance Law.
The Town's Communications office tells West Hempstead civic leaders -- time and time again -- that a Condemnation Proceeding is underway, and that the reason the Supervisor cannot padlock the Courtesy is the pendency of the Town's civil action brought under the Nuisance Law, the civil suit precluding resort to the padlock provision.
There is no pending Condemnation Proceeding, and never was, and even assuming, for argument sake, that the Supervisor's hands were tied (and mouth gagged, apparently, given her utter failure to personally go on the record here), with respect to preclusion of padlocking during the pendency of the civil suit, we learn now, through Newsday's report, that the civil suit was dismissed on appeal, years ago.
Ask the Town why they have not closed the Courtesy -- as West Hempsteaders have been doing for a dozen years -- and you'll get the old song and dance.
"Well. Ah. Ya know." "We're working on it." "These things take time!"
Now, the Town wants our community to wait until July, when the Town "hopes" to adopt an Urban renewal plan -- itself only a prelude to a long, drawn-out condemnation process.
We say, "time has run out," both on the Courtesy and on the patience of the good people of this community.
We're tired of the excuses, the runaround, the smokescreen, and, yes, the out-and-out lies that flow from the Town's press office.
At this point, Supervisor Kate Murray has but two options as far as the residents of West Hempstead are concerned: PADLOCK THE COURTESY OR RESIGN FROM OFFICE!
- - -
Effort to shutter Courtesy renews
By Eden Laikin
The 12-year campaign by West Hempstead residents to shut the Courtesy Hotel has moved into the electronic age: Residents have sent more than 130 e-mails to Hempstead town officials, asking that it be padlocked immediately.
The West Hempstead Civic Association began its crusade in 1995, and is now urging Supervisor Kate Murray and Councilman Edward Ambrosino to speed up redevelopment plans for the area and close the Hempstead Avenue hotel.
"It's very simple: there's a law on the books, known as the nuisance law, which contains a padlock provision permitting the town to close the hotel after two predicate felony arrests," said Seth Bykofsky, former president of the association. "All we are asking is for the supervisor to apply the letter of the law ... "
The group has pointed to drug activity and police arrests at the hotel as having an impact on their quality of life. Last month, town officials spoke to 200 residents who gathered at the West Hempstead Middle School to voice their anger about the hotel, where police said they have responded 28 times this year. Most recently, a Level 3 sex offender, paroled after being convicted of raping a 9-year-old girl, moved into the Courtesy.
Hotel owner Bruce Zwelsky could not be reached for comment, but he has said the business has increased security.
Assemb. Tom Alfano (R-North Valley Stream) said he also sent a letter to Murray, asking her to condemn the hotel. "It is a source of violence, danger and embarrassment to the residents," the letter read. "Instances of rape, assault and drug violations cannot continue; it is unacceptable. "
Town officials say they are working to redevelop the area. Hempstead is pursuing several initiatives, including preparing an urban renewal plan, which they hope will be adopted by the town board by July, town spokesman Mike Deery said.
"That will give us the authority to acquire any properties affected by the plan and/or to commence condemnation hearings," he said.
The town tried to close the hotel in 2004 under the nuisance law, but its order was overturned by an appellate court. Deery said the town is exploring the option of renewing the nuisance case.
In 2005, the town initiated a "blight study," as the first step toward condemning the property. That process, they said, would take about 18 months. In December, the town issued a request for qualifications from interested developers. And last month, the list of potential developers was narrowed to four.
Copyright 2007 Newsday Inc.
Why Won't Supervisor Kate Murray Padlock The Courtesy?

First Kate Murray is against condemnation. Then she's for it. But the Town STILL has not commenced a Condemnation Proceeding to close the Courtesy Hotel.
Then Kate Murray is against invoking the padlock provision of the Town's Nuisance Law. Now she's looking at the "option" of renewing a failed civil suit brought under the Nuisance Law.
The Town's Communications office tells West Hempstead civic leaders -- time and time again -- that a Condemnation Proceeding is underway, and that the reason the Supervisor cannot padlock the Courtesy is the pendency of the Town's civil action brought under the Nuisance Law, the civil suit precluding resort to the padlock provision.
There is no pending Condemnation Proceeding, and never was, and even assuming, for argument sake, that the Supervisor's hands were tied (and mouth gagged, apparently, given her utter failure to personally go on the record here), with respect to preclusion of padlocking during the pendency of the civil suit, we learn now, through Newsday's report, that the civil suit was dismissed on appeal, years ago.
Ask the Town why they have not closed the Courtesy -- as West Hempsteaders have been doing for a dozen years -- and you'll get the old song and dance.
"Well. Ah. Ya know." "We're working on it." "These things take time!"
Now, the Town wants our community to wait until July, when the Town "hopes" to adopt an Urban renewal plan -- itself only a prelude to a long, drawn-out condemnation process.
We say, "time has run out," both on the Courtesy and on the patience of the good people of this community.
We're tired of the excuses, the runaround, the smokescreen, and, yes, the out-and-out lies that flow from the Town's press office.
At this point, Supervisor Kate Murray has but two options as far as the residents of West Hempstead are concerned: PADLOCK THE COURTESY OR RESIGN FROM OFFICE!
- - -
Effort to shutter Courtesy renews
By Eden Laikin
The 12-year campaign by West Hempstead residents to shut the Courtesy Hotel has moved into the electronic age: Residents have sent more than 130 e-mails to Hempstead town officials, asking that it be padlocked immediately.
The West Hempstead Civic Association began its crusade in 1995, and is now urging Supervisor Kate Murray and Councilman Edward Ambrosino to speed up redevelopment plans for the area and close the Hempstead Avenue hotel.
"It's very simple: there's a law on the books, known as the nuisance law, which contains a padlock provision permitting the town to close the hotel after two predicate felony arrests," said Seth Bykofsky, former president of the association. "All we are asking is for the supervisor to apply the letter of the law ... "
The group has pointed to drug activity and police arrests at the hotel as having an impact on their quality of life. Last month, town officials spoke to 200 residents who gathered at the West Hempstead Middle School to voice their anger about the hotel, where police said they have responded 28 times this year. Most recently, a Level 3 sex offender, paroled after being convicted of raping a 9-year-old girl, moved into the Courtesy.
Hotel owner Bruce Zwelsky could not be reached for comment, but he has said the business has increased security.
Assemb. Tom Alfano (R-North Valley Stream) said he also sent a letter to Murray, asking her to condemn the hotel. "It is a source of violence, danger and embarrassment to the residents," the letter read. "Instances of rape, assault and drug violations cannot continue; it is unacceptable. "
Town officials say they are working to redevelop the area. Hempstead is pursuing several initiatives, including preparing an urban renewal plan, which they hope will be adopted by the town board by July, town spokesman Mike Deery said.
"That will give us the authority to acquire any properties affected by the plan and/or to commence condemnation hearings," he said.
The town tried to close the hotel in 2004 under the nuisance law, but its order was overturned by an appellate court. Deery said the town is exploring the option of renewing the nuisance case.
In 2005, the town initiated a "blight study," as the first step toward condemning the property. That process, they said, would take about 18 months. In December, the town issued a request for qualifications from interested developers. And last month, the list of potential developers was narrowed to four.
Copyright 2007 Newsday Inc.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Sex Offender Takes Up Residence At Courtesy
Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get Any Worse. . .
In room 411 of the infamous Courtesy Hotel, William Wright, convicted (Rape - 1st Degree; Sodomy - 1st Degree) Level 3 Sex Offender (Female, 9 Years; Female, Younger than 17 years), begins his "parole" smack, dab at the eastern gateway to our West Hempstead.
Click HERE to access NYS Sex Offender Registry
Among other conditions of his Parole, Wright is to have "NO UNSUPERVISED CONTACT WITH MINOR CHILDREN UNDER AGE OF 18."
And yet, there he is, in residence at the Courtesy Hotel on Hempstead Avenue, a short stroll from West Hempstead's residential neighborhoods and business district.
Tell us, do you know where your children are? Are they safe from harm? Why is the West Hempstead community continuously placed at risk?
And speaking of supervision, where is Town of Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray? Why does she remain silent as the Courtesy's doors remain open?
Send an e-mail to Kate Murray, and ask her when the Courtesy Hotel will be closed. KateMurray@tohmail.org
Demand that the Supervisor invoke the padlock provision of the Town's Nuisance Law to padlock the Courtesy TODAY!
Click HERE to access NYS Sex Offender Registry
Among other conditions of his Parole, Wright is to have "NO UNSUPERVISED CONTACT WITH MINOR CHILDREN UNDER AGE OF 18."
And yet, there he is, in residence at the Courtesy Hotel on Hempstead Avenue, a short stroll from West Hempstead's residential neighborhoods and business district.
Tell us, do you know where your children are? Are they safe from harm? Why is the West Hempstead community continuously placed at risk?
And speaking of supervision, where is Town of Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray? Why does she remain silent as the Courtesy's doors remain open?
Send an e-mail to Kate Murray, and ask her when the Courtesy Hotel will be closed. KateMurray@tohmail.org
Demand that the Supervisor invoke the padlock provision of the Town's Nuisance Law to padlock the Courtesy TODAY!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Tale Of Two Towns
If Only The Courtesy Was On Knoll Lane
The Town’s response vis-à-vis the Courtesy Hotel – or lack thereof – brings to mind events of yesteryear (as in, “déjà vu, all over again):
In the mid-1990s, West Hempsteaders were fighting to close an after-hours club (Café Wandyful) situated on the Turnpike near Mayfair Avenue, its parking lot abutting residential properties. Noise, lewdness, and rough-housing spilling into the streets until dawn; nude, table-top dancing; you name it, Café Wandyful was dishing it out – all without license or permit.
Up in arms, the community – with Scott Jablow (President of the Cathedral Gardens Civic Association) and Seth Bykofsky (then Executive Vice President of the fledgling West Hempstead Civic Association) leading the charge – enlisted what it hoped would be the aid of the Town of Hempstead (Greg Peterson, then Supervisor) to help close the club, which was operating outside the variances and conditions issued by the Town’s Board of Zoning Appeals.
The Town issued summonses, and eventually brought suit against Café Wandyful, which lawsuit languished for what seemed like an eternity.
Then, out of the blue, and some two-years into the war on Wandyful, a story appeared in Newsday, detailing the seemingly overnight closure of a similar after-hours club with like untoward propensities located on the Turnpike in East Meadow, which club was shut down by the Town of Hempstead, swiftly, summarily, and apparently without resort to protracted litigation.
The difference between West Hempstead’s Café Wandyful and the East Meadow “gentlemen’s” club? The East Meadow club was just a stone’s throw away from the East Meadow home of one Greg Peterson, Supervisor of the Town of Hempstead.
Seizing upon this injustice and the negative ensuing press highlighting the blatant inconsistency in the Town’s actions, West Hempstead’s civic leaders prevailed upon Supervisor Peterson to immediately take up the community’s cause.
Righting the wrong – and taking center stage before the media (flashy jewelry, and all) – Greg Peterson himself argued the case against Café Wandyful before the State Supreme Court in Mineola, and, lo and behold, within a matter of weeks, the doors to the notorious after-hours club were shuttered forever.
We'd venture a very strong guess here, that if a no-tell hotel similar in nature to West Hempstead’s Courtesy was in operation but a stone’s throw from the Levittown house on Knoll Lane in which current Town Supervisor Kate Murray resides, its doors would have been padlocked, the wrecking ball swinging away with abandon, years ago.
Unfortunately, in the unincorporated areas of Hempstead Town west of Levittown, it is the residents and taxpayers who are left abandoned, having to fend for themselves to hold on to what little remains of that ever-diminishing quality of life!
The Town’s response vis-à-vis the Courtesy Hotel – or lack thereof – brings to mind events of yesteryear (as in, “déjà vu, all over again):
In the mid-1990s, West Hempsteaders were fighting to close an after-hours club (Café Wandyful) situated on the Turnpike near Mayfair Avenue, its parking lot abutting residential properties. Noise, lewdness, and rough-housing spilling into the streets until dawn; nude, table-top dancing; you name it, Café Wandyful was dishing it out – all without license or permit.
Up in arms, the community – with Scott Jablow (President of the Cathedral Gardens Civic Association) and Seth Bykofsky (then Executive Vice President of the fledgling West Hempstead Civic Association) leading the charge – enlisted what it hoped would be the aid of the Town of Hempstead (Greg Peterson, then Supervisor) to help close the club, which was operating outside the variances and conditions issued by the Town’s Board of Zoning Appeals.
The Town issued summonses, and eventually brought suit against Café Wandyful, which lawsuit languished for what seemed like an eternity.
Then, out of the blue, and some two-years into the war on Wandyful, a story appeared in Newsday, detailing the seemingly overnight closure of a similar after-hours club with like untoward propensities located on the Turnpike in East Meadow, which club was shut down by the Town of Hempstead, swiftly, summarily, and apparently without resort to protracted litigation.
The difference between West Hempstead’s Café Wandyful and the East Meadow “gentlemen’s” club? The East Meadow club was just a stone’s throw away from the East Meadow home of one Greg Peterson, Supervisor of the Town of Hempstead.
Seizing upon this injustice and the negative ensuing press highlighting the blatant inconsistency in the Town’s actions, West Hempstead’s civic leaders prevailed upon Supervisor Peterson to immediately take up the community’s cause.
Righting the wrong – and taking center stage before the media (flashy jewelry, and all) – Greg Peterson himself argued the case against Café Wandyful before the State Supreme Court in Mineola, and, lo and behold, within a matter of weeks, the doors to the notorious after-hours club were shuttered forever.
We'd venture a very strong guess here, that if a no-tell hotel similar in nature to West Hempstead’s Courtesy was in operation but a stone’s throw from the Levittown house on Knoll Lane in which current Town Supervisor Kate Murray resides, its doors would have been padlocked, the wrecking ball swinging away with abandon, years ago.
Unfortunately, in the unincorporated areas of Hempstead Town west of Levittown, it is the residents and taxpayers who are left abandoned, having to fend for themselves to hold on to what little remains of that ever-diminishing quality of life!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Assemblyman Tom Alfano's Public Statement on the Courtesy
Assemblyman Tom Alfano, a true friend of the West Hempstead community and
longtime ally in the battle to close the Courtesy Hotel, made the following statement today:
"The Courtesy must be padlocked, shut and wiped off the map of West Hempstead now. It's an embarrassment, a disgrace and a clear and present danger to the community."
--Thomas W. Alfano, Assemblyman, 21st Assembly District
West Hempstead Residents To Town Supervisor Kate Murray --
When residents of the unicorporated hamlet of West Hempstead joined a standing room only crowd at the community's middle school for a civic meeting last week, the Supervisor of the Town of Hempstead, Kate Murray -- conspicuous by her absence -- got an earful in absentia:
"We want the infamous, crime-ridden Courtesy Hotel closed NOW!"
Its not like West Hempstead residents haven't been calling for the closure of this hourly-rate haven for rapists, drug dealers, prostitutes, and the like for years on end.
The battle to shutter the hotel -- and to clean up the eastern gateway to West Hempstead -- now enters its 12th year, and residents are now well into their third Town Supervisor.
The Town of Hempstead, having jurisdiction over zoning, building codes, and enforcement, has final say over what will become of this "scourge" upon the West Hempstead community, and yet, for more than a decade, the Town has done little to move the hotel toward closure, vehement protests of the citizenry notwithstanding.
West Hempstead residents -- and those who reside within the Town of Hempstead who are concerned about their neighbors' quality of life -- are urged to send an e-mail to Town of Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray, demanding the immediate closure of the Courtesy Hotel.
In 2000, upon the introduction of then Town Councilman N. Scott Banks, the Hempstead Town Board adopted a so-called Nuisance Law.The Nuisance Law contains a "padlock provision" which permits the Town of Hempstead, upon appropriate notice, to padlock the doors to the hotel upon two (2) felony arrests committed within 12 consecutive months.
In 2006 alone, there were 94 “reports” to the 5th Precinct of the Nassau County Police Department emanating from the Courtesy in 2006 (meaning officers actually wrote up an incident report); 46 actual arrests (many felonies); and more than 200 calls. [Prior years, dating back to the 1990s, bore similar reports and arrests.]
Shortly after the enactment of the Nuisance Law in 2000, and continuing to date, community and civic leaders in West Hempstead have made demand after demand upon the Town of Hempstead to envoke the padlock provisions of the Nuisance Law, all to no avail.
Dating back to 1995, through no less that three Town Supervisors -- Greg Peterson, Rich Guardino, and Kate Murray -- West Hempstead residents have asked the Town of Hempstead to take appropriate action [condemnation, civil enforcement, padlocking under the Nuisance Law] to forever close the Courtesy Hotel, all to no avail.
With a contract for private sale pending with a respected and reputable developer -- Trammell-Crow -- pending, and other avenues of renewal and redevelopment at hand and under consideration, residents of West Hempstead now need and deserve the breathing room, permitting the opportunity to review, examine, and ultimately select the best proposal for the redevelopment of the Courtesy site.
Such "breathing room" can only be had through the Town of Hempstead's immediate closure of the Courtesy.
When residents of the unicorporated hamlet of West Hempstead joined a standing room only crowd at the community's middle school for a civic meeting last week, the Supervisor of the Town of Hempstead, Kate Murray -- conspicuous by her absence -- got an earful in absentia:
"We want the infamous, crime-ridden Courtesy Hotel closed NOW!"
Its not like West Hempstead residents haven't been calling for the closure of this hourly-rate haven for rapists, drug dealers, prostitutes, and the like for years on end.
The battle to shutter the hotel -- and to clean up the eastern gateway to West Hempstead -- now enters its 12th year, and residents are now well into their third Town Supervisor.
The Town of Hempstead, having jurisdiction over zoning, building codes, and enforcement, has final say over what will become of this "scourge" upon the West Hempstead community, and yet, for more than a decade, the Town has done little to move the hotel toward closure, vehement protests of the citizenry notwithstanding.
West Hempstead residents -- and those who reside within the Town of Hempstead who are concerned about their neighbors' quality of life -- are urged to send an e-mail to Town of Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray, demanding the immediate closure of the Courtesy Hotel.
In 2000, upon the introduction of then Town Councilman N. Scott Banks, the Hempstead Town Board adopted a so-called Nuisance Law.The Nuisance Law contains a "padlock provision" which permits the Town of Hempstead, upon appropriate notice, to padlock the doors to the hotel upon two (2) felony arrests committed within 12 consecutive months.
In 2006 alone, there were 94 “reports” to the 5th Precinct of the Nassau County Police Department emanating from the Courtesy in 2006 (meaning officers actually wrote up an incident report); 46 actual arrests (many felonies); and more than 200 calls. [Prior years, dating back to the 1990s, bore similar reports and arrests.]
Shortly after the enactment of the Nuisance Law in 2000, and continuing to date, community and civic leaders in West Hempstead have made demand after demand upon the Town of Hempstead to envoke the padlock provisions of the Nuisance Law, all to no avail.
Dating back to 1995, through no less that three Town Supervisors -- Greg Peterson, Rich Guardino, and Kate Murray -- West Hempstead residents have asked the Town of Hempstead to take appropriate action [condemnation, civil enforcement, padlocking under the Nuisance Law] to forever close the Courtesy Hotel, all to no avail.
With a contract for private sale pending with a respected and reputable developer -- Trammell-Crow -- pending, and other avenues of renewal and redevelopment at hand and under consideration, residents of West Hempstead now need and deserve the breathing room, permitting the opportunity to review, examine, and ultimately select the best proposal for the redevelopment of the Courtesy site.
Such "breathing room" can only be had through the Town of Hempstead's immediate closure of the Courtesy.
A Timeline of Infamy
"Scourge" of the Courtesy Dates Back to 80s; Waging War To Close Hotel Began in 1995
Fall 1995 – West Hempstead Civic Association (WHCA) forms Committee to Close the Courtesy. WHCA President Nick D’Alessandro and Executive Vice President Seth Bykofsky selected to co-chair the committee and spearhead a grassroots movement to close hotel.
Late Fall 1995 through 1998 – WHCA leadership meets repeatedly with Town Of Hempstead (TOH) Supervisor, Greg Peterson, and Town Councilman, Joe Ra, with respect to closing the Courtesy. “Assurances” given that Courtesy will be closed. Joe Ra saying, “I will close the Courtesy!” The taking of the hotel by Eminent Domain (Condemnation) is discussed. Community meets, rallies, protests repeatedly. No action is taken by the Town.
1999-2000 – Repeated meetings with TOH Supervisor Rich Guardino and Town Councilman N. Scott Banks. Banks calls continued operation of Courtesy “an outrage and an affront to the dignity of the good people of West Hempstead.” Supervisor Guardino says he has a “special place in his heart for West Hempstead,” and will “work with the community” to close down the Courtesy. The taking of the hotel by Eminent Domain is again discussed. No action is taken by the Town.
2000 – Introduced by Town Councilman N. Scott Banks, the Town Board adopts a Nuisance Law, including therein a padlock provision that permits the Town to close a commercial premises – upon due notice – when there have been more than 2 predicate felony arrests upon the premises within a 12-month period.
October 2001 – Petitions, bearing the signatures of nearly 4,000 West Hempsteaders, demanding immediate closure of the Courtesy, are hand delivered to Supervisor Guardino.
2001-2002 - Multiple felony arrests – rape, assault, prostitution, drug possession/sale, kidnapping, weapons charges – upon the premises of the Courtesy. Town takes no action to padlock hotel under its own Nuisance Law.
2001-2003 - Numerous “walks-about-town” with Town Councilman Joe Kearney. Courtesy Hotel, the scene of ongoing and longstanding criminal activity, much of it heinous in nature, is “highlight” of the tour. Community leaders, including Seth Bykofsky of the West Hempstead Civic Association, Scott Jablow of the Cathedral Gardens Civic Association, and Greg Yuknek of the Chamber of Commerce, implore Councilman Kearney to have the Town padlock the hotel. Action is promised. No action is taken by the Town.
2002-Mid-2005 – Ongoing discussions with Town Supervisor, Kate Murray, and, from 2003 on, regular meetings with Town Councilman, Ed Ambrosino (attended, on occasion, by Town Attorney, Joe Ra). Closure of Courtesy always on community’s front burner. Supervisor Murray calls Courtesy a “scourge” upon community, and says, “Courtesy will be closed. You have my word.” Supervisor again asked to invoke padlock provision. Town refuses, citing “obstacles,” and proceeds instead during this time with a civil suit designed to close the Courtesy under the Nuisance law. Lawsuit goes nowhere. Condemnation discussed. Supervisor Murray says, “Condemnation is not the way to go!”
May 2003 – Petitions, bearing the signatures of nearly 5000 West Hempstead residents, demanding the immediate closure of the Courtesy, hand delivered to Supervisor Murray’s office. Supervisor not available to receive them. Originals left with receptionist at desk on the 4th floor of Town Hall.
June 2005 – Supervisor Murray addresses Annual Meeting of the West Hempstead Civic Association. Tells residents that condemnation proceedings – as used effectively to close the Oceanside Motel – would not, on a cost basis, be feasible vis-à-vis the closure of the Courtesy. Instead, Town would conduct a “Blight Study,” and proceed to close the Courtesy by Eminent Domain under the Town’s Urban Renewal law [Article 15 of New York State General Municipal Law], a process expected to take 18 months. Supervisor asked by residents to padlock hotel under Nuisance law in the interim. No action taken by the Town.
Fall 2005 – “Buoyed” by the Supreme Court’s Decision in Kelo (a decision that did not change the law, but merely affirmed its longstanding application), Supervisor Murray says condemnation of the Courtesy is now a good idea. Wheels set in motion for Condemnation Proceedings to go forward.
September 2005 – Town Board, with hundreds of West Hempsteaders appearing at Town Hall for support, adopts site plan and maps as necessary step toward the commencement of a Condemnation Proceeding, then, waiting until the 11th hour, flubs the requisite publication in Newsday. No Condemnation Proceeding is commenced.
May 2006 – Town Board adopts “Blight Study” as first step toward Eminent Domain under Town’s Urban Renewal law [Actually, Article 15 of New York State General Municipal Law.] "The town continues to work closely with the West Hempstead community to develop a plan for this area,” concluded Murray. "We are committed to making this an even better community in which to live, work and shop. West Hempstead has a bright and promising future."
Summer 2006 – Trammell-Crow enters into private contract with corporate owner of Courtesy for redevelopment of property as high-end rental units, subject to approval of zoning changes by the Town of Hempstead. Town takes “wait and see” stance.
December 2006 – Town of Hempstead issues a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from interested developers in furtherance of intended “Urban” renewal. Courtesy remains open for business as usual, notwithstanding ongoing violent criminal activity.
February 2007 – Standing room only crowd attends WHCA meeting at West Hempstead Middle School, and hears “options” as presented by Charles Theofan, Commissioner of the Town’s Department of Planning & Economic Development. First Deputy Commander Kanavan of the 5th Precinct, NCPD, informs audience that, in 2006 alone, there were some 94 “reports” emanating from the Courtesy (meaning officers actually wrote up an incident report); 46 actual arrests (many of which were Felonies); and more than 200 calls for assistance. Residents demand that Courtesy be closed NOW, charging Theofan with taking that message to Town Supervisor Kate Murray, and asking why she has failed to padlock the Courtesy under the applicable provisions of the Town’s Nuisance law.
TODAY – The Courtesy remains open. Waterbeds available. The next felony only a short-stay away!
- - -
Telephone: [Kate Murray's Helpline] 516-489-6000
E-Mail: KateMurray@tohmail.org
Snail Mail:
Supervisor Kate Murray
Town of Hempstead
1 Washington Avenue
Hempstead, New York 11550
Fall 1995 – West Hempstead Civic Association (WHCA) forms Committee to Close the Courtesy. WHCA President Nick D’Alessandro and Executive Vice President Seth Bykofsky selected to co-chair the committee and spearhead a grassroots movement to close hotel.
Late Fall 1995 through 1998 – WHCA leadership meets repeatedly with Town Of Hempstead (TOH) Supervisor, Greg Peterson, and Town Councilman, Joe Ra, with respect to closing the Courtesy. “Assurances” given that Courtesy will be closed. Joe Ra saying, “I will close the Courtesy!” The taking of the hotel by Eminent Domain (Condemnation) is discussed. Community meets, rallies, protests repeatedly. No action is taken by the Town.
1999-2000 – Repeated meetings with TOH Supervisor Rich Guardino and Town Councilman N. Scott Banks. Banks calls continued operation of Courtesy “an outrage and an affront to the dignity of the good people of West Hempstead.” Supervisor Guardino says he has a “special place in his heart for West Hempstead,” and will “work with the community” to close down the Courtesy. The taking of the hotel by Eminent Domain is again discussed. No action is taken by the Town.
2000 – Introduced by Town Councilman N. Scott Banks, the Town Board adopts a Nuisance Law, including therein a padlock provision that permits the Town to close a commercial premises – upon due notice – when there have been more than 2 predicate felony arrests upon the premises within a 12-month period.
October 2001 – Petitions, bearing the signatures of nearly 4,000 West Hempsteaders, demanding immediate closure of the Courtesy, are hand delivered to Supervisor Guardino.
2001-2002 - Multiple felony arrests – rape, assault, prostitution, drug possession/sale, kidnapping, weapons charges – upon the premises of the Courtesy. Town takes no action to padlock hotel under its own Nuisance Law.
2001-2003 - Numerous “walks-about-town” with Town Councilman Joe Kearney. Courtesy Hotel, the scene of ongoing and longstanding criminal activity, much of it heinous in nature, is “highlight” of the tour. Community leaders, including Seth Bykofsky of the West Hempstead Civic Association, Scott Jablow of the Cathedral Gardens Civic Association, and Greg Yuknek of the Chamber of Commerce, implore Councilman Kearney to have the Town padlock the hotel. Action is promised. No action is taken by the Town.
2002-Mid-2005 – Ongoing discussions with Town Supervisor, Kate Murray, and, from 2003 on, regular meetings with Town Councilman, Ed Ambrosino (attended, on occasion, by Town Attorney, Joe Ra). Closure of Courtesy always on community’s front burner. Supervisor Murray calls Courtesy a “scourge” upon community, and says, “Courtesy will be closed. You have my word.” Supervisor again asked to invoke padlock provision. Town refuses, citing “obstacles,” and proceeds instead during this time with a civil suit designed to close the Courtesy under the Nuisance law. Lawsuit goes nowhere. Condemnation discussed. Supervisor Murray says, “Condemnation is not the way to go!”
May 2003 – Petitions, bearing the signatures of nearly 5000 West Hempstead residents, demanding the immediate closure of the Courtesy, hand delivered to Supervisor Murray’s office. Supervisor not available to receive them. Originals left with receptionist at desk on the 4th floor of Town Hall.
June 2005 – Supervisor Murray addresses Annual Meeting of the West Hempstead Civic Association. Tells residents that condemnation proceedings – as used effectively to close the Oceanside Motel – would not, on a cost basis, be feasible vis-à-vis the closure of the Courtesy. Instead, Town would conduct a “Blight Study,” and proceed to close the Courtesy by Eminent Domain under the Town’s Urban Renewal law [Article 15 of New York State General Municipal Law], a process expected to take 18 months. Supervisor asked by residents to padlock hotel under Nuisance law in the interim. No action taken by the Town.
Fall 2005 – “Buoyed” by the Supreme Court’s Decision in Kelo (a decision that did not change the law, but merely affirmed its longstanding application), Supervisor Murray says condemnation of the Courtesy is now a good idea. Wheels set in motion for Condemnation Proceedings to go forward.
September 2005 – Town Board, with hundreds of West Hempsteaders appearing at Town Hall for support, adopts site plan and maps as necessary step toward the commencement of a Condemnation Proceeding, then, waiting until the 11th hour, flubs the requisite publication in Newsday. No Condemnation Proceeding is commenced.
May 2006 – Town Board adopts “Blight Study” as first step toward Eminent Domain under Town’s Urban Renewal law [Actually, Article 15 of New York State General Municipal Law.] "The town continues to work closely with the West Hempstead community to develop a plan for this area,” concluded Murray. "We are committed to making this an even better community in which to live, work and shop. West Hempstead has a bright and promising future."
Summer 2006 – Trammell-Crow enters into private contract with corporate owner of Courtesy for redevelopment of property as high-end rental units, subject to approval of zoning changes by the Town of Hempstead. Town takes “wait and see” stance.
December 2006 – Town of Hempstead issues a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from interested developers in furtherance of intended “Urban” renewal. Courtesy remains open for business as usual, notwithstanding ongoing violent criminal activity.
February 2007 – Standing room only crowd attends WHCA meeting at West Hempstead Middle School, and hears “options” as presented by Charles Theofan, Commissioner of the Town’s Department of Planning & Economic Development. First Deputy Commander Kanavan of the 5th Precinct, NCPD, informs audience that, in 2006 alone, there were some 94 “reports” emanating from the Courtesy (meaning officers actually wrote up an incident report); 46 actual arrests (many of which were Felonies); and more than 200 calls for assistance. Residents demand that Courtesy be closed NOW, charging Theofan with taking that message to Town Supervisor Kate Murray, and asking why she has failed to padlock the Courtesy under the applicable provisions of the Town’s Nuisance law.
TODAY – The Courtesy remains open. Waterbeds available. The next felony only a short-stay away!
- - -
Telephone: [Kate Murray's Helpline] 516-489-6000
E-Mail: KateMurray@tohmail.org
Snail Mail:
Supervisor Kate Murray
Town of Hempstead
1 Washington Avenue
Hempstead, New York 11550
Closing The Courtesy Hotel Is So Easy. . .
. . .Even A Cave Man Can Do It!
A Kate Murray, on the other hand. . . Well, that's not so easy.
[Open to a scene at West Hempstead's Venus Restaurant, where a caveman sits across the table from an indignant, pouting Town Supervisor. Both are staring at menu. Kate Murray looks up at caveman and begins to speak]
KATE: Your ad was totally insensitive and offensive.
CAVEMAN: Sorry, Kate, we didn’t realize you were still around…
WAITER: Would you like to order?
CAVEMAN: I'll have the cheeseburger deluxe, extra onions.
KATE: Frankly, I've lost my appetite. Just give me some of that MTBE water West Hempstead is so famous for.
[Kate’s cell phone rings. She picks it up.]
It’s my father, brother, and third cousin four times removed – all calling from their patronage jobs at Town Hall. I’ll put them on speaker…
CAVEMAN: Look, Kate, we just assumed, since you hadn’t closed the Courtesy, fixed the potholes in our streets, removed illegal basement apartments, improved the facades in our business districts, or cited the multitude of code violations along the Avenue and the Turnpike, that you were extinct.
KATE: (sarcastic) Sure, okay. I bring you garbage collection at four times the going rate, special taxing jurisdictions that bleed homeowners dry, and do everything I can to reinvent the wheel, no matter what the issue. Sorry I took so long getting these things to you.

[Open to a scene at West Hempstead's Venus Restaurant, where a caveman sits across the table from an indignant, pouting Town Supervisor. Both are staring at menu. Kate Murray looks up at caveman and begins to speak]
KATE: Your ad was totally insensitive and offensive.
CAVEMAN: Sorry, Kate, we didn’t realize you were still around…
WAITER: Would you like to order?
CAVEMAN: I'll have the cheeseburger deluxe, extra onions.
KATE: Frankly, I've lost my appetite. Just give me some of that MTBE water West Hempstead is so famous for.
[Kate’s cell phone rings. She picks it up.]
It’s my father, brother, and third cousin four times removed – all calling from their patronage jobs at Town Hall. I’ll put them on speaker…
CAVEMAN: Look, Kate, we just assumed, since you hadn’t closed the Courtesy, fixed the potholes in our streets, removed illegal basement apartments, improved the facades in our business districts, or cited the multitude of code violations along the Avenue and the Turnpike, that you were extinct.
KATE: (sarcastic) Sure, okay. I bring you garbage collection at four times the going rate, special taxing jurisdictions that bleed homeowners dry, and do everything I can to reinvent the wheel, no matter what the issue. Sorry I took so long getting these things to you.
[Fade to black]
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